In 2021, we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Visegrad Group. This initiative is exceptional, distinguished not only for structural and organizational reasons. Founded in 1991, the so-called V4 focuses on strengthening cooperation and strengthening neighborly ties between the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary.
In order to celebrate the round anniversary of the V4 and cooperation in the region, the Villa Decius Association in cooperation with the Association of Hungarian Authors took the initiative to prepare an exhibition entitled “Visegrad is People”, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Visegrad Group. The opening of the exhibition took place on July 4, in Krakow’s Planty Park, and this event was part of the Art Picnic at Villa Decius and on the day of the official inauguration of the 19th edition of the Visegrad Summer School.
For many years, the Villa Decius Association has focused its activities on projects and initiatives related to the Visegrad Group, which is best evidenced by the Visegrad Summer School (VSS), which has been implemented since 2002. VSS is a unique cultural and educational program aimed at students, graduates, culture managers, young scientists and journalists from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The initiative aims to promote a positive image of the region on an international scale and to promote the intellectual and cultural heritage of the societies of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary.
The exhibition focused on several components, including culture, innovation, transnational cooperation, education and identity, and its purpose was primarily to emphasize the role of the communities that make up the V4 at various levels.
The exhibition was prepared in English and in four languages of the Visegrad Group. The exhibition boards have been prepared both online and in a ready-to-print format, which allows the Exhibition to be presented on-site in the V4 countries.
In order to provide additional information on the exhibition and share the Exhibition, please contact Ms. Justyna Pawlik, e-mail:
The event was held under the Honorary Patronage of the Marshal of the Malopolska Province.
Stowarzyszenie Willa Decjusza
Instytut Kultury Willa Decjusza
International Visegrad Fund
Magyarország Főkonzulátusa Krakkó / Konsulat Generalny Węgier w Krakowie
Ambasada Węgier / Varsói Magyar Nagykövetség
Węgierski Instytut Kultury Warszawa – Magyar Kulturális Intézet Varsó
Szépírók Társasága
Co-financed by:
Węgiersko-Polski Program Współpracy Pozarządowej
V4 to ludzie czeski V4 to ludzie wegierski V4 to ludzie slowacki