We would like to invite you to Villa Decius on Wednesday, the 26th of November, at 7:30 p.m. to a multimedia project entitled “Guitar Power”, created by Croatian guitarist and composer ‒ Damir Halicić and film director and cameraman ‒ Igor Modrić. Cooperation between the two artists resulted in an innovative work, creating a complete aesthetic experience and discovering a huge potential of the classical guitar. The audience will set out on a multidimensional journey to the artists’ homeland, dear to their hearts ‒ Croatia, but also to many other places in the world, and get to know the people with whom the musician and the filmmaker cooperated during numerous tours. The programme will include, among others, short pieces inspired by Renaissance music, which Damir Halilić composed in chamber versions for theatre plays.
The event is organised as part of the “RenEU ‒ New Renaissance in Europe. The Renaissance Trail in Malopolska 2014” project.
Projekt został zrealizowany przy wsparciu finansowym
Programu Kultura Komisji Europejskiej
Projekt zrealizowano przy wsparciu finansowym Województwa Małopolskiego
w ramach konkursu ofert z turystyki pn. Małopolska Gościnna