
“The Smell of Longing” – meeting with Norwegian photographer Rune Eraker

On February 10 at 5.00 p.m. we would like to invite you to Villa Decius to a meeting with Norwegian photographer Rune Eraker, who is going to talk about his work on “The Smell of Longing” series. The event forecasts the first Polish exhibition presenting the works of the Norwegian photographer, which is going to be open on February 13 in the MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków. The meeting will be translated into Polish. Admission: free.


“The Smell of Longing” series consists of 73 black and white photographs and two projections containing photos from the series which have never been shown before. The photographs presented at the exhibition, which have been made since 1988, constitute documentation of travels in twenty-two countries whose inhabitants suffer from wars, political repressions and hunger. They are an attempt at answering the question about the reasons for which people are forced to abandon their roots and search for shelter in a foreign country. When documenting every-day situations from their lives, with war and tragedy in the background, the artist focuses on the causes of exile. 


Rune Eraker (born 1961), a documentary photographer. Since 1990 a member of the photographic group Hollandse Hoogte. Heading the editing team of the magazine Norwegian Journal of Photography. In 2002, awarded by the USA Society for News Design for his series The Democratic Republic of Congo, and in 2009 he was named Freelancer of the Year in Norway. Rune Eraker’s photographic series are firmly based in the aesthetics of classical European documentary photography. His works have appeared in numerous magazines all over the world.


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