
The 16th “Cracovia Danza” Court Dance Festival

Three great performances – “When Poland meets India”, “Once upon a time in Venice”, and “A ballet about coffee”, as well as dance group shows, dance, acting, pantomime, and music workshops, and a great ball in the Market Square in Krakow – this is what this year’s 16th edition of the “Cracovia Danza” Court Dance Festival has in store for us. It will flood Krakow with court dance between the 26th of July and the 2nd of August.


Traditionally, workshops will be held at Villa Decius from Monday, the 27th of July to Friday, the 31st of July. Moreover, shows of dancers from various parts of the world have been planned daily at 6:00 p.m. on the outdoor stage next to Villa Decius. We will see Indian, Greek, French, and flamenco programmes, as well as a performance of the festival group called Decius Danza, comprised of the workshop instructors and participants.

See also