
Visegrad Cello Quartet

Concert of the Visegrad Cello Quartet is one of the highlights of the VII Visegrad Summer School’s inauguration. Young musicians will perform compositions of Krzysztof Penderecki, Peter Graham, Marián Varga and others in unconventional arrangements. The band comprise of four artists from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia what makes it a great example of artistic collaboration between Visegrad Countries.




  • Andrej Gál, Slovakia (as a guest)


Graduated from VŠMU Bratislava. Since 1999 Andrej Gál performed several times the first cello in the Internationale Orchesterakademie in Germany. Since 2001 he has been a member of the Bohdan Warchal Slovak Chamber Music Orchestra and the Zwiebel Quartet.


  • Tamás Mérei, Hungary


He studied in Hungary and in the U.S. (at the Indiana University, Yale University and Julliard School in New York). He is the youngest winner of the prestigious Popper Cello Competition, international competition of the Hungarian Public Radio, and winner of the main prize at the Piatigorsky Festival in Los Angeles. As a soloist, Tamás Mérei has performed in Europe, USA, Israel and Japan. He teaches at Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest.


  • Jozef Lupták, Slovakia


He is one of the leading contemporary musicians in Slovakia. He is alumni of the VŠMU Bratislava and Royal Academy of Music in London. He is a co-founder of the Opera Aperta ensemble. Jozef Lupták is also the innitiator and art director of the Konvergencie music festival. In the 2007-2008 season, he gave concerts in the U.S., Mexico, Hungary, France and the UK.


  • Aleksandra Ohar, Poland


She studied cello at the Academy of Music in Warsaw and was a guest student at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Augsburg. She also attended master courses at the Mozarteum Salzburg. Besides her classical cello repertoire (Haydn, Dvořák, Tschaikovsky and others), Ohar also devotes herself to contemporary music (she participated in the Laboratorium Muzyki Współcesnej project). She performs as a soloist as well as an orchestra and chamber musician.






Lucia PAPANETZOVÁ (1978), SK:

Tri skice [2004]


Krzysztof PENDERECKI (1933), PL:

Capriccio per Siegfried Palm [1968]


Zoltán KODÁLY (1882-1967), HU:

Sonata for cello solo op. 8 [1915], Part 1


Peter GRAHAM (1956), CZ:

Suita pro violoncello – výber [2005]

Geometrické myšlenky

Federico Garcia Lorca



Marián VARGA (1947), SK:

Hymnus pre 4 celli [2006]



Kukucks Winterlied [2004]


Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750):

Ach Gott und Herr [BWV 714]

Ach Gott, wie gross und schwer [BWV 680]



See also