
Chopin exhibition of posters from the collection of Krzysztof Dydo

Villa Decius Association invites you to an exhibition of posters titled “Today is my birthday Chopin 1810 – 1849”, which is part of a cyclical program conducted by the Association named “The Legacy of Chopin”. Chopin Year celebrations, especially 200-hundredth anniversary of the composer’s birth we celebrate through the exhibition of posters from the collection of Krzysztof Dydo. Opening of the exhibition be preceded by a concert performed by young interpreters of Chopin’s music.


The event will also provide an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the latest catalog, prepared by the Poster Gallery, involving a variety of themes used in the compositions of graphics related to the person and work of the composer.


The exhibition shows a wide range of perceptions as a genius of Frederic Chopin and inspiration flowing from his music by artists who have limited flat surface of paper, and what techniques they use to express ideas, thought and concept art, create their own small works. Thus demonstrates how rich is their imagination, many of the ideas and relevant associations.


Krzysztof Dydo – born in 1945, a collector, an expert in matters of the poster, the owner of “Dydo Poster Collection”, which includes posters, Polish and foreign. Since 1985 an owner of the world-famous Poster Gallery in Krakow. It cooperates with cultural institutions, theaters, cinemas, museums, galleries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and poster collectors worldwide. Since 1975, organized a total of nearly 500 poster art exhibitions in Poland, as in almost all countries of Europe from the Ukraine and Russia to Spain and France. Only in Italy, realized several exhibitions, including Rome, Milan, Turin, Pardemone, Genoa, Florence, Catania. In addition, his collection was presented in Australia, USA, Canada, Mexico, Iran, Azerbaijan, China, Israel and Morocco Author of articles on posters, folders and albums to the poster, including in 1993 – 100 years of Polish poster art, 1995 – Masters of Polish Poster Art, 1996 – Polish Film Poster from 1896 to 1996, 2000 – Polish Theater Poster 1899 to 1999, 2001 — Posters 1989 – 2001, 2008 – PL 21 – Polish posters twenty-first century. Co-author published in 2007 in Mexico City Cartel book Inglés Contemporaneo 1945-2006, in 2008 in Russia, “Polish School of Posters in 2009 in Bulgaria, Polish Poster stage and Italy Tutto il Teatro in un manifesto.


Poster Gallery in Krakow is a venue for exhibitions and meetings of artists, designers and lovers of good, artistic poster. You can watch or buy good Polish poster art. Gallery offers over 2000 titles of posters, theater, opera, film, exhibitions, musical works of the best Polish artists past half century. In addition, deals with the publishers of posters, organizes competitions and promote young artists.


Concert music of Frederic Chopin performed by young interpreters:

Alexandra Szczepanik – Class VI POSM first- degree

Alexander Bista – Class II second-degree POSM

Carolina Kacperek – Class V, second-degree POSM

Marzena Stępniewska – Artistic care

See also