
The lecture of Lord Adair Turne “Which capitalism for the 21st century?”

A public debate will be held at Jagiellonian University – Collegium Maius Assembly Hall on 9 May 2013 at 6:00 pm with the participation of Lord Adair Turner – an outstanding British economist, former head of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and member of the Financial Policy Committee. The meeting will be led by Krzysztof Bobiński. Previous online registration is required to attend the event.



The opening of this year’s conference (9 May) will be joined with a public debate on the topic of capitalism of the 21st century with the participation of Polish and British speakers. The further part will be based on a closed seminar held at Villa Decius attended by ca. 30 people, divided into the following thematic blocks:


  • Poland and Great Britain in a Union of many speeds.
  • Does Germany have an idea for Europe?
  • Our Eastern neighbours – Polish, British and European Ostpolitik.


Timothy Garton Ash, Lord William Wallace, Robin Niblett, Janusz Reiter, Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Lena Kolarska-Bobińska and Andrzej Olechowski are among the event’s participants.


The Polish – British Round Table is the most important, informal Polish-British forum, in which leading politicians, diplomats, officials, intellectuals and representatives of business and the media from Poland and Great Britain participate. Through discussions on the most important European and global problems, the project aims at strengthening the positive opinion of Poland in Great Britain as well as on the European forum as an involved nation, capable of acting and possessing a clear vision of foreign policy.


The following persons have, among others, taken part in previous editions of The Polish – British Round Table: Timothy Garton Ash, Charles Grant, Robert Cooper, Robin Niblett, David Miliband, Malcolm Rifkind, Gideon Rachman, Adam Daniel Rotfeld, Andrzej Olechowski, Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Jan Krzysztof Bielecki and Aleksander Kwaśniewski.


The idea for the meeting was born as an effect of cooperation of the British Centre for European Reform, European Studies Centre at the University of Oxford, Chatham House, the demosEUROPA Foundation, the Unia&Polska Foundation and the Villa Decius Association.


The meeting’s working language is English.



Grzegorz Morek







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