
Author evening with Annette Mingels

Friday, 20 March 2009, 7 p.m., Goethe Institute. Annette Mingels, born in 1971 in Cologne, studied German philology, linguistics and sociology. She wrote her doctoral thesis on Dürrenmatt and Kierkegaard and currently works at the university of Fribourg. The writer and journalist lives in Zurich. She was awarded a HALMA scholarship by the Swiss Foundation for Culture Pro Helvetia, on which she is staying at the Villa Decius in Krakow in March 2009.


Her novels “Die Liebe der Matrosen” (2006) and “Der Aufrechte Gang” (2007) as well as the award-winning volume of stories “Romantiker. Geschichten von der Liebe” (2007) were published by DuMont in Germany. In these works Mingels passionately and seductively tells about love and its impact.


Goethe Institute in Krakow

Rynek Główny (main market square) 20

20 March 2009, 7 p.m.


The meeting will be held in German.

See also