
“Tour de Pologne of Rev. Boniecki” – June 2, 2014

You are heartily welcome to Villa Decius on Monday, June 2 at 5:00 p.m. to the meeting with Rev. Adam Boniecki devoted to his most recent book entitled “Zakaz palenia.” The publication is a collection of editorials from “Tygodnik Powszechny” weekly and constitutes a continuation of the bestselling volume “Lepiej palić fajkę, niż czarownice” published in November 2011. The meeting “Tour de Pologne of Rev. Boniecki” will be hosted by Michał Olszewski. Admission free.


Thanks to the courtesy of Wydawnictwo ZNAK, in the course of the meeting it will be possible to purchase a copy of Rev. Boniecki’s most recent book.





See also