
“Tour de littérature” ‒ Villa Decius Association’s new literary project

The Villa Decius Association is launching a new literary project ‒ “Tour de littérature” ‒ aimed at promoting reading. One of the project’s components is a series of 7 short films entitled “Condemned to Books”. We will present these 7 film études between May and November. They will feature scholarship holders of the Villa Decius Association’s scholarship programmes, who will talk about their book-related experiences. The first episode premieres soon!




 “Tour de littérature” – announcement



Więcej o projekcie „Tour de littérature”



Why “Condemned to Books”? Because they have been reading from the cradle and have been unable to stop ever since! Because without books, their days go stale, and their nights are sleepless! Because they write books themselves or gossip about books in a creative manner! Because they taste, smell, wash, and… eat books!

Meet 7 condemned personalities and 7 moving testimonies! You will see that you can read anytime and anywhere you like, and that life with a book sentence is a sentence for life.





Cofinanced by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage







Venture partner is Malopolska Region


See also