
“Renaissance Trail in Małopolska 2013” – visiting the castle in Sucha Beskidzka

As a part of the project “Renaissance Trail in Małopolska 2013”, we would like to invite you to a study trip to Sucha Beskidzka on November 16 (Saturday). The programme includes a visit at the palace and park complex in Sucha Beskidzka, a lecture by Professor Paweł Pencakowski entitled “Castles and Renaissance Residences in the Kraków Area” and a guided tour at the exhibition entitled “Komorowski Foundation and Their Impact on Development of Sucha 1613 – 1614.” The number of places is limited (the cost of the study visit is covered by the organizer). Please send applications to kasia@villa.org.pl by November 15, by 4.00 p.m.





See also