
Scriptwriting scholarships at the Villa Decius in Krakow

The Villa Decius Association and the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation in cooperation with the Literary Colloquium Berlin invite Polish and German film, theatre, TV, radio, video, and social game scriptwriters to apply for one-month residential scholarships in Kraków in August or November 2021.


Film, radio, video and social game scriptwriters from Poland and Germany, who have published at least one film, theatre/radio play, or game based on their script can apply for the scholarship.


Scriptwriters interested in applying should submit the online application form https://form.jotform.com/211093655415352 and send a published example of their work in Polish, German, or English (letter of motivation or recommendation is optional). The recruitment closes on the 15th of June 2021 at midnight.


The organizers provide accommodation in the historic Łaski House, an outbuilding belonging to the Villa Decius palace and park complex (single room with bathroom, shared kitchen, and free access to the internet), monthly grant of 3000 PLN gross (ca. 700 EUR), support in planning and organizing the residency and participation in networking meetings with cultural and creative industries in Krakow.


The selection process will be conducted by the Villa Decius Association, Literary Colloquium Berlin, and the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.

The list of chosen residents will be announced by the 30th of June 2021. The project encompasses four monthly scholarships for two Polish and two German scriptwriters. The residential stays are planned for August and November 2021.

In case of inquiries, please contact Adam Partyka: adam.partyka@willadecjusza.pl


The project is sponsored by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.

See also