
Renaissance. I like it! December 9, Sunday in Villa Decius – a meeting with music, history and culture of the Middle East.

On Sunday, December 9, we would like invite you to the Willa Decius to a meeting with art and history. The core of the event is Villa Decius – a unique building, significant for the city history and connected with the 16th century culture.


At 11:30 chamber concert by the youngest students of Suzuki Krakow School.


At 14:00 Discussion within the Villa Decius project “Głos Bliskiego Wschodu/Midle East Speaks”. Katarzyna Przybysławska, along with two Middle East born guests: Wassim Ibrahim, Syrian composer, and Havind Ibrahim, Ph.D. student of Political Studies, Jagiellonian University, who came to Krakow from Iraqi Kurdistan, will be talking about being a foreigner in Krakow.


The audience will have a chance to get to know the history of Villa Decius and visit the complex in groups with a guide, at 13:00 and 15:00. The visitors will listen about the not so famous Justus Ludwik Decius, the Villa founder, who held an important function at the royal court and participated actively in Krakow cultural and city life.


Free admission


The project co-financed by Krakow Municipality

See also