Together with 56 organizations and networks, SAR Europe issued an additional appeal to European Governments and the European Union to take similar actions, including:
Continue evacuation flights for as long as possible so as to include scholars, students, and civil society actors.
Increase resettlement quotas to help those in need of international protection, including researchers, scholars, and civil society actors.
Create expedited complementary legal pathways for candidates who demonstrate an existing host institution, job, or sponsor in Europe.
Waive any intent-to-return and home residency requirements that may apply to visa applications for Afghan scholars and researchers for the foreseeable future.
Establish a dedicated EU fellowship scheme for researchers and scholars at risk
Establish dedicated national fellowships for researchers and scholars at risk.
If you wish to add your endorsement, please send your organization’s logo and name to sareurope@mu.ie.
Villa Decius is a member of the SAR Network since 2018 and together with the Jagiellonian University runs the first residence for refugee scientists in Poland.
Read the appeal.