
Presentation of the Villa Decius in the Polish Institute in Budapest

Presentation of the Villa Decius in the Polish Institute in Budapest – 21 May, 2012, Monday, at 5:00 p.m. On 1 July, Poland will take over the presidency of the Visegrad Group. This event is an opportunity to talk about experience of the cooperation of the Visegrad Group countries in the field of culture and education, as well as about plans and new projects for next year. The aim of the meeting, for which the Director of Villa Decius, Danuta Glondys, PhD, was invited, is to exchange information, knowledge and to present the Association’s activities, including the Visegrad Summer School and other projects in the region. Meeting will be chaired by Eva Karadi, PhD, the editor-in-chief of “Hungarian Letrre Internationale” magazine.


The Polish Institute in Budapest: Budapest, 1065 Nagymező u.15.


More information: http://polinst.hu/pl/node/8155

See also