
The meeting of the Panel of Judges of the Polish Prize of Sérgio Vieira de Mello

The meeting of the of the Panel of Judges of the Polish Prize of Sérgio Vieira de Mell took place on 12 September 2013 announcing the winners of this year’s, 10th edition of the event. The Panel of Judges included the representatives of the President of Poland, Ambassador of the Republic of Brazil, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden in Poland, UN High Commissioner on Refugees, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Institute of National Remembrance, Poland’s Spokesman for the Civil Rights, Consulates and Foundations supporting the Association in the area of human rights, Funders of the Award, Chairman and Director of Villa Decius.


The ceremony of handing over the Polish Prize of Sérgio Vieira de Mello will take place on 17 October as a special event accompanying the international conference “Europe – Critical Problems” (17-18 October, Villa Decius). 

See also