
Meeting of the Chapter of the Polish Prize of Sergio Vieira de Mello

On 15 September, 2011, the meeting of the Chapter of the Polish Prize of Sergio Vieira de Mello, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2002-2003) will be held. It will select the winners of this year’s, the ninth, edition of the Prize.


Jury’s verdict will be announced in a press release and will be posted on the website of the Association. The awards ceremony of the 9th Edition of the Polish Prizes of Sergio Vieira de Mello will take place on 13th October and will be a special event accompanying the international conference ”Borderless People,” undertaking, on the 150th anniversary of Fridtjof Nansen, issues of refugeeism.


Project’s coordination:

Jadwiga Figiel-Stoch

See also