
The Polish-British Round Table 2011

The fourth edition of the Polish-British Round Table: 12-13 May 2011. This annual meeting of a number of politicians, diplomats, civil servants, intellectuals and media representatives from both Britain and Poland. This year’s meeting would start with a public lecture by David Miliband, UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs between 2007 and 2010 on “Europe between America and China”. The speech would be devoted to the new global order where (re)emerging power and such institutions and G20 player an ever greater role. The event would take place at 18:00 on 12 May in the premises of Collegium Novum of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.


  • REGISTRATION for the public event 


On the next day three thematic session would be organized in the closed group of invited experts. They would be devoted to the new models of growth in Europe; European security and the role of NATO; the relations with Russia in the context of the developments of the Eastern Partnership.


The participants of the meeting include, among others: David Miliband, Robin Niblett, Prof. Dariusz Rosati, Prof. Adam Daniel Rotfeld, Prof. Timothy Garton Ash, Andrzej Olechowski, Prof. Norman Davies, Anatole Kaletsky, Charles Grant or Aleksander Smolar. The event would take place in English only. Number of seats is limited.


The Polish-British Round Table is co-organised by demosEUROPA-Centre for European Strategy, Unia&Polska Foundation, British Chatham House, European Studies Centre in Oxford and the Villa Decius Association.

See also