
Presentations of Historical Dances in Villa Decius (July 28 – August 1, 2014)

We wish to invite you to open outdoor presentations of historical dances by ensembles from France, Italy, Irkutsk, India and Poland. The ensembles will present various dance sequences and music forms prepared under the supervision of experts. The programme will end with a lengthy presentation of English, French, Italian, Spanish, Indian, Polish dances and pantomime by the international ensemble “Decius Danza”, composed of all participants of this year’s workshops.


Presentations take place daily, from Monday (July 28) to Friday (August 1). All performances and concerts start at 6.30 p.m. at the outdoor stage in front of Villa Decius. Admission is free. Presentations of historical dances take place as part of the project “International Summer Academy of Art 2014.”



See also