
(Un)usual Friendship

Secondary school pupils are invited to write an essay entitled “(Un)usual friendship” focusing on friendship that crosses the national, cultural, and religious divide. The competition is held within the frame of the educational project OUR EUROPE. The aim of the project is to promote cultural, ethnic and racial aspects of one of the key value of any democratic state – respect for the rights of minorities.


We were strangers to each other, a lot divided us; then we have become the best friends. We invite you to write about your friendship, which crosses the national, cultural, and religious divide. Do share your experience – it will offer your peers a chance to learn from your experience. The first call for essays “Our unusual friendship” took place within the frame of Bridges of Tolerance programme which was announced by the ZNAK Foundation in 2002 (www.tolerancja.pl).


The competition is held within the frame of the educational project OUR EUROPE. The aim of the project is to promote cultural, ethnic and racial aspects of one of the key value of any democratic state – respect for the rights of minorities. The first prize winner will be invited to participate in the “School on Human Rights and Multiculturalism” which is scheduled to take place from 30 April-4 May 2008 at Villa Decius in Krakow. The laureates will be given diplomas and other prestigious awards. The best papers will be included into the publication “Our Europe”. The competition is open to secondary school students. Essays should be up to 5 standard pages long. The deadline for submitting essays is 10 April 2008.





  • British Council Biuro w Krakowie
  • Instytut Europeistyki UJ
  • Instytut Politologii Akademii Pedagogicznej
  • Fundacja Kultury Chrześcijańskiej ZNAK,
  • Korporacja Samorządowa im. Józefa Dietla
  • Association for International Affairs
  • Center for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture
  • Centre for Development and the Environment at University of Oslo.


Honorary patrons


  • Marek Nawara, Marszałek Województwa Małopolskiego
  • Józef Rostworowski, Małopolski Kuratora Oświaty

See also