
Michał Zygmunt’s Nienawiść (Hatred) ‒ a sci-fi anti-crime novel

In late September, a new book by this year’s Visegrad Literary Residencies project scholarship holder ‒ Michał Zygmunt ‒ was published under the imprint of Krytyka Polityczna.It is an anti-crime novel set in the future, in which the author convincingly pictures a vision of the world that is the result of today’s eruption of aggression in the field of politics and public debate.It is well worth a read!


The book’s blurb reads:“Warsaw, 2084. Love, allure, and pure reason are just names of pills that broaden the possibilities of those who can afford them.In the city governed by the rule of generational segregation and overcrowded with refugees from the world’s poorest countries ‒ Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia ‒ a murder has been committed.At the crime scene, investigators find notes from 70 years ago, a journal written with hatred.Nothing will ever be the same as before”.


Michał Zygmunt (1977) ‒ a “one-man band”, he has hosted a talk-show, co-created a queer magazine, published in a weekly controlled by the Law and Justice (PiS) political party, and run for the Mayor of Wrocław as a candidate of a happening committee called “Stars in Hair”.Author of New Romantic (2007) and Lata walk ulicznych (The Years of Street Fighting; 2010), co-author of prose anthologies Wolałbym nie (I’d Rather Not; 2009) and Mot Nord podróż na północ (Mot Nord a Journey to the North; 2012).Holder of the Dagny (2011), Polish Film Institute (2013), and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (2013) scholarships, and the Visegrad Literary Residency (2014).Nominated for the Superhiro 2010 award for Lata walk ulicznych, finalist of the Polish Film Institute and the Museum of Modern Art film award along with Karol Radziszewski for their project Męczeństwo Sebastiana (Sebastian’s Martyrdom; 2012).He played in Karol Radziszewski’s films ‒  Ludwik Wittgenstein in MS101 (2012) and Antoni Jahołkowski in Książę (Prince; 2014).





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