
International Summer Art Academy – July 30, 2014

The subsequent day of shows under the International Summer Art Academy 2014 was devoted to Indian culture. Presentations of ensembles began with three vocal compositions performed by students of the AIPA Institute – “BRAHMASWAR” ensemble. In the second part of the programme, dance set ups in the classic Kathak style were presented by dancers from the “Alaknanda Sanskriti” ensemble. This dance derives from temple ceremonial and was developed at the Mughal court. The word “Kathak” means to tell a story – “katha-vachan”; thence, dancers use proper gestures and movements to recount a plot related to various aspects of Hindu culture.


  • “Alaknanda Sanskriti” from India


“Alaknanda Sanskriti” is an ensemble established by Alaknanda Bose in 2000, bringing together dancers whose mission is promotion of the classical Indian Kathak dance around the world. The ensemble performs in India and abroad, including Southern Korea, Poland, Switzerland, Singapore and Maldives. The “Alaknanda Sanskriti” ensemble is active by the Alaknanda Institute for Performing Arts – an institution established in 1990 by Alaknanda Bose, whose artistic and pedagogical activity focuses on promotion of classic Indian culture. AIPA is an academy where one can become educated with respect to the Kathak dance, vocal Hindustani-style music and playing such instruments as the tabla and guitar. 










 Projekt finansowany ze środków Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego










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