
International Summer Art Academy – July 29, 2014

On the second day of performances, viewers and ensembles participating in the workshops joined the great dancing activities. During the first part of the evening, steps of French dances were mastered to the music performed by artists from Compagnie Outre Mesure on copies of former instruments, flutes and guitars, under the supervision of Marie Claire Le Corre, a specialist on historical dances. The second part of the evening was filled with English and Polish ballroom dancing conducted by Jane Austen Dance School. Traditionally, the first dance was polonaise; there were also various forms of quadrille and contredanse. Over one hundred pairs of dancers took part in the event.


  • Ballroom dancing is organized by Jane Austen Dance School











 Projekt finansowany ze środków Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego








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