
Papkin and others. Open-air theater performance

From 23 to 30 August at the Villa Decius theater workshops were held involving 45-person group of young Polish participants (28 people) and Ukraine (17 persons). The subject of the workshop was the work of Aleksander Fredro, and its international reception. The workshop were lead by experts: the director, designer, professional musicians and actors. The effect of joint workshop was an open-air theater performance staged by Wieslaw Holdys, Fridays “Papkin and others.” presentation for the first time was presented in the Villa Decius, Sunday, Aug. 29, in the chair. 17.00.


Project “Papkin and others” is an undertaking of an educational and promotional simultaneously. Its aim is to both broaden cultural cooperation between Poland and Ukraine, in particular between regions of Małopolska and Lviv, and to try to exploiting the creative elements of a common cultural heritage in new interpretations and forms of art. In relation to these objectives, the project will be implemented not only with the participation of the Polish-Ukrainian team members, but also in both countries and think about the Polish and Ukrainian audiences. Therefore, after the first stage of the workshop in Villa Decius Association, has been planned for the Ukrainian stage, which will provide the setting for the historic Fredro’s Palace complex in Beńkowa Wisznia (Lviv oblast). There, from 7 -11 September workshops will be held and the first presentation of the final presentation (10 September). At the end, 12 September, the spectacle will be presented in Lviv. The project is in collaboration with the Association of Theatre Mumerus and Vyshnya College of Lviv National Agrarian University – administrator of the palace and park in Beńkowa Wisznia.


Project coordination:

Katarzyna Trojanowska: kasia@villa.org.pl

Jadwiga Figiel-Stoch: jaga@villa.org.pl

See also