
June with Concerts at Villa Decius

You are heartily welcome to Villa Decius for two concerts taking place within the scope of the “Chopin’s Heritage” project. The first of them will be held on Sunday (June 1) at 5:00 p.m. Compositions of Johannes Sebastian Bach, Alexander Glazunov and Niccolò Paganini will be performed by Aleksandra Bester (violin), Natalia Stęposz (violin) and Ludmiła Wojnarowska-Tesarowicz (piano).


The concert on June 3 (Wednesday) will have a Polish-French character. Guests will hear the compositions of Camille Saint-Saens, Francis Poulenc and Frederick Chopin performed by Michał Jankowski (clarinet), Ludmiła Wojnarowska-Tesarowicz (piano) and Stefan Łabanowski (piano). The event will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the first free parliamentary elections. Admission to both concerts on the basis of free-of-charge tickets available at InfoKraków points (ul. Św. Jana 2, Wyspiański Pavilion – Pl. Wszystkich Świętych 2) and directly before the concert.


See also