
The Jury of the Polish-French-German residence program “Tandem Residence” selected the participants of the tandem residence

Representatives of the Villa Decius Association took part in the jury meeting of the Polish-French-German residency program “Tandem Residence”.

The program jury selected three tandems to participate in a three-way tandem residence.


On August 2 – 13, 2021, the following will be hosted in Genshagen:

  • Author Pauline Delabroy-Allard and translator Sina de Malafosse (French-German Tandem)
  • Author Déborah Heissler and translator Jan Maria Kłoczowski (French-Polish Tandem)
  • Author Carolina Schutti and translator Ewa Mikulska-Frindo (German-Polish Tandem)

The Villa Decius Association congratulates the fellows and fellows who will work for ten days at Genshagen Palace.


General information

The residency program “Tandem residence” offers authors and authors as well as translators and translators from Poland, France, and Germany representing various genres of literature (prose, poetry, drama, essay writing, journalism, literature for children and youth, and others) 10-day stay at the Genshagen Palace near Berlin.

The program is aimed at three tandems: author and translator (six people in total) from three countries of the Weimar Triangle, who work together or want to initiate new translation projects and apply for a stay at the Genshagen Palace together as a tandem. The scholarship is of working nature. Authors and translators from Germany, France, and Poland live and work in Genshagen.


Specific working goals of the residency program for tandems author and translator:

– creating space for joint and individual work on texts and translations – enabling an intensive and in-depth work process.

– discussing current projects and/or planning and preparing future projects – creating space for mutual (better) personal getting to know each other.

– enabling exchanges on literature and translations. The objectives of the residency program are based on the Foundation’s assumptions and tripartite orientation.


As part of the “Tandem residence” program, the Genshagen Foundation, apart from practical goals, wants to support and shape European cross-border cooperation by its own assumptions and in the spirit of the Weimar Triangle format.

In addition to exchanging information on specific projects at the working level and on ongoing and future projects. The Genshagen Foundation would like to give participants from Germany, France, and Poland the opportunity to meet across borders, so that scholarship holders have the opportunity to connect with the literature of neighboring countries and increase mutual interest in the literary landscape of countries. In the long term, the Genshagen Foundation would like to contribute to this project to raise awareness of the literature of neighboring countries and to promote the art of translation through dialogue.

See also