
15th Anniversary of the activity of the Villa Decius Association

15th Anniversary of the activity of the Villa Decius Association – 2 – 5 September, 2011. The Villa Decius Association would like to invite you to participate in artistic events for the Jubilee of the 15th Anniversary of its activity and of the restoration of Villa Decius. The celebration of the anniversary includes two exceptional performances: “Summer – Red Sun” by the Polish Dance Theatre from Poznan and “Mandragora” by The Grand Theatre of Stanisław Moniuszko in Poznan as well as the exhibition “Albrecht Dürer and his Time,” which would present engravings from the collections of the Eastern Slovak Museum in Košice, realised under the patronage of the General Consulate of the Slovak Republic in Krakow. All events will take place in Villa Decius and its closest surrounding. Admission is free.




2 September 8:00 p.m.

Outdoor performance “Summer – RED SUN” by artists from the Polish Dance Theatre in Poznan.


4 September (Sunday), 8:00 p.m.

Outdoor performance “Mandragora” by soloists, actors and the orchestra of The Grand Theatre of Stanisław Moniuszko in Poznan.

music: Karol Szymanowski, Jean Baptise Lully

special guest: Wojciech MALAJKAT


5 September (Monday), 5:00 p.m.

Vernissage of “Albrecht Dürer and his Time. Engravings From the Collections of the Eastern Slovak Museum in Košice,” early dance show “Dance in Dürer’s Time” performed by the artists from the Cracovia Danza Court Ballet.


Vernissage of the exhibition, under the Honorary Patronage of the General Consulate of the Slovak Republic in Krakow, will be honoured with the Cracovia Danza Court Ballet performance entitled: “Dance in Dürer’s Time.”


Project’s co-ordination:

Katarzyna Trojanowska – kasia@villa.org.pl

See also