
(POL) Ekoglass Festiwal 2010 – poplenerowa wystawa szkła artystycznego

The Villa Decius Association invites you to the vernissage for the outdoor exhibition Ekoglass Festival 2010, where you can see the works of twelve artists from Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, which were created during outdoor workshops in historical glass-making factories in Szklarska Poręba (PL) and Desna (CZ). Czech artists, Jakub Berdych, Jíří Šuhájek, Andrej Nèmeth, Oldřich Plíva, as well as Polish ones, Mariusz Łabiński i Igor Wójcik, will take part in the vernissage. The exhibition will be accompanied by a documentary film presenting the creation process of displayed works during both outdoor workshops. The exhibition will be open until 1st March, 2011.

See also