
Decius’ Ducats. Education, fun, and a night at Villa Decius

We encourage primary school students and teachers of grades four to six from the Małopolska Region to take part in the Decius’ Ducats programme.Decius’ Ducats is a programme popularising knowledge of economy, history, and numismatics.The topics of the classes include selected issues connected with the history of money from antiquity to the present, its value and role, monetary policy, and numismatics.


Some of the classes are dedicated to the presentation of the figures of Nicolaus Copernicus and Justus Decius (authors of leading economic treatises of the Renaissance period who had a dispute over a monetary reform) and the period of the Renaissance itself.


The classes are held by experts and specialists in economy and culture who will talk about the development of the economy, the monetary policies of Poland and the EU, numismatics, and the Renaissance and its outstanding representatives.


We would like to invite 10 groups of students and teachers from the schools of the Małopolska Region to take part in Decius’ Ducats, including 5 schools from rural areas and 5 from urban areas.Around 35 persons at a time may take part in the programme.Decius’ Ducats will be carried out in October and November 2014. The programme takes place between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. and includes a tour of Villa Decius, lectures, numismatic workshops, supper and breakfast, and accommodation for one night, sleeping on mattresses in the participants’ own sleeping bags in the rooms on the 1st floor of Villa Decius.Participation in the programme is free.The participants shall cover the costs of transport and any required insurance.





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Honorary Patronage:




malopolska_poziom                                     log_kurator



Marek Sowa – Marszałek Województwa Małopolskiego

Aleksander Palczewski – Małopolski Kurator Oświaty






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