
Compagnie Ariadone „Tampopo”

The Villa Decius Association invites you to a ballet performance by the French group COMPAGNIE ARIADONE. The artists will present a performance entitled “TAMPOPO”; choreography by Carlotta Ikeda, music by Alain Mahé and lead dancer, Mathilde Lapostolle. Performers: Compagnie Ariadone from Bordeaux (France) Carlotta Ikeda – artistic director, choreographer, unquestioned master of butoh, she studied this form under the creator of butoh – Tatsumi Hijikata. She has created the most famous butoh dance group: Dairakudakan, the women’s group Ariadone and the men’s group Sebi. The group was the first to present the butoh dance in Europe. A performance of TAMPOPO by lead dancer Mathilde Lapostolle will take place at Villa Decius in Krakow.

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