
Research of the ICORN network ‒ a study visit to Mexico City

In November, as part of her research of the ICORN network, Małgorzata Różańska made the longest, three-week study visit to two Operators of the ICORN programme: Casa Refugio and Casa R. Hankili Africa, located in the very centre of Mexico City. During her stay, she managed to interview three scholarship coordinators, two scholarship holders, and two local partners of the programme who get regularly involved in its realisation. The aim of the visit to Mexico City was to check whether the residency stays are carried out similarly in Europe and outside of the continent.



The scholarship holder will compile and share her conclusions from the interviews and the e-survey sent out to the remaining cities of the network towards the end of the year in the form of a catalogue of good practices.


Implemented under scholarship from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.


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