
Art and Violence ART / VIOLENCE / GENDER – debate&concert at Villa Decius in Krakow

We want to invite you to a social and artistic event organized by the 2Act Foundation, the Villa Decius Association in cooperation with the Villa Decius Institute of Culture. This Friday, April 16, an online debate will take place. “Art / violence / gender” and a concert – ceremonial premieres of the winning works of the 1st International Composers’ Competition “Art and Violence” performed by Spółdzielnia Muzyczna Contemporary Ensemble.

Violence. We see her more often than we think. The media convey images of destruction and war, violence occurs at home, at work, in schools, and on social media. We are its victims, perpetrators and witnesses. Violence based on gender is a special type of it.

Associated with physical or sexual violence, it also takes less visible forms to sustain inequalities, leading to discrimination and exclusion. By mental, economic – and cultural control. Sometimes violence has more to do with the language of symbols than with weapons. So do not seemingly distant areas such as violence and art have more in common than it seems?

What is the role of art in the discussion of gender-based violence? Is it rather the language of people who experience violence, or a tool of its perpetrators? A form of domination or a meeting space? How can art help to understand the mechanisms of violence? What do the changes of canons throughout history tell us about and what are the relations between art and the body? Finally, can it become a tool for contesting the existing order and a catalyst for change?

The following will talk about violence, art and gender:

Iwona Demko – Polish visual artist, sculptor, exhibition curator. Lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, feminist, activist.

dr hab. Agnieszka Draus – music theorist, Dean of the Faculty of Music Creativity, Interpretation and Music Education of the Academy of Music in Kraków, assistant professor at the Department of Theory and Interpretation of a Musical Work, secretary in the Board of the Musicologists Section of the Polish Composers’ Union.

Dominika Kasprowicz – political scientist, researcher and manager of culture, prof. Jagiellonian University, director of the Villa Decius Institute of Culture

Radosław Nawojski – PhD student in sociology, as part of his doctoral dissertation he deals with research, documentation and archiving of mass social mobilization conducted as part of the Black Protests and Women’s Strikes.

Zuzanna Radzik – journalist, theologian, columnist and social activist. Vice-president of Forum for Dialogue, author of, among others “Women’s Church” The panel discussion will be led by: sociologist Inga Hajdarowicz and writer, journalist, editor of Tygodnik Powszechny Michał Kuźmiński.

Panel formula:

Due to the applicable regulations related to Covid19, the panel will be held online, via the Zoom platform and made available live on FB social profiles:

2Act Foundation: www.facebook.com/Fundacja2Act

Villa Decius Association:  www.facebook.com/WillaDecjusza

Villa Decius Institute of Culture: www.facebook.com/Decjusz


In addition, the meeting will be recorded live by means of graphic recording by Małgorzata Spasiewicz-Bulas.



April 16 at 20.30


The debate will be followed by a concert during which the ceremonial premiere of works written as part of the international ‘Art and Violence’ Composers’ Competition for piano trio (violin, cello, piano) will take place.

The winning works of composers: Tomasz Szczepanik (1st prize) and Valentina Schaff (2nd prize) will be performed for the first time in the interior of Villa Decius, by the Contemporary Ensemble Music Cooperative. Apart from the premiere works, other pieces from the repertoire of the Music Cooperative will be performed.

Concert program:

Yukiko Watanabe – ver_flies_sen

Competition piece 1: Valentin Schaff – Angst

Francesco Filidei – Corde vuote

Competition piece 2: Tomasz Szczepanik – gaslighting

Salvatore Sciarrino – Trio no. 2

Performers: Spółdzielnia Muzyczna Contemporary Ensemble composed of: Martyna Zakrzewska (piano), Jakub Gucik (cello), Paulina Woś (violin)

The concert and debate will be broadcast live. Then they will be available on the YT channel and the organizers’ FB profiles.


The “Art & Violence” project is an attempt to look at the problem of omnipresent violence as broadly as possible. A platform for understanding between scientists, humanists and artists on this topic. The main goal of the project is to answer the question: are art and science capable of educating and changing the way of thinking and acting through constructive dialogue?
The project will be implemented through scientific conferences, events in the field of performing arts or visual and musical arts. Each of the conferences will be invited to the largest possible international group of specialists representing the broadest possible range of approaches to a given topic: representatives of the world of science, journalists, politicians, philosophers and artists.
The Villa Decius Institute of Culture – a cultural institution of the City of Krakow located in a Renaissance palace and park complex in Wola Justowska, whose motto is: “Meeting place”. Eagerly visited by distinguished guests and artists, and open to the inhabitants of Krakow. It implements international projects, prestigious educational programs and numerous artistic events. For 25 years, it has been continuously running residency programs for artists from all over the world, including those seeking refuge, organizing international conferences and events promoting artistic activity oriented to dialogue and strengthening the multicultural potential of the city of Krakow. More information about the history of the place and the current program of events of the Villa Decius Institute of Culture at – http://www.willadecjusza.pl
The 2Act Foundation was established to support artistic and cultural dialogue. We take care of all activities that allow us to understand the human condition and desires in the artistic and cultural context. We are a space of free speech and artistic expression, supporting mutual understanding without excluding. The Foundation is independent of any ideological and religious currents. We believe in the power of art and we set ourselves the goal of supporting cultural activities, especially in these difficult times for us. More about the Foundation and its statutory goals: http://fundacja2act.org/pl/o-fundacji/
ORGANIZER: 2Act Foundation, Villa Decius Association
CO-ORGANIZER: Willa Decius Institute of Culture
Open Krakow;
ZAiKS Authors’ Association;
Music Cooperative Contemporary Ensemble;
Krakow Music,
The project was co-financed by the Municipality of Krakow.
Marketing, promotion:

Sylwia Miłkowska: media@willadecjusza.pl / tel. 503 421 456

Agnieszka Śmiałek: agnieszka.smialek@fundacja2act.org / 691 862 861






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