
The second edition of The Academy of Anti-discrimination Training – inauguration

On 15-th October in Villa Decius the second edition of The Academy of Anti-discrimination Training will be inaugurated. The Academy is a comprehensive program of Villa Decius Association directed to individuals working for and cooperating with Polish non-governmental organizations.


The second edition of the project will be conducted from September 2009 as a few days’ monthly conferences covering intensive coaching training as well as presentation of modern concepts and good practices in the field of respecting human rights and counteracting discrimination.


The program of the inauguration of the second edition of The Academy of Anti-discrimination Training covers the seminar of a Norwegian journalist and a culture studies expert Birgit Hatlehol entitled ‘He- and she-different in culture’ as well as a debate ‘Multiculturalism – dilemmas, paradoxes and pitfalls’ in which Magdalena Sroda, an ethicist, a publicist and a feminist, Anna Lipowska-Teutsch from Crisis Intervention Society, Jacek Milewski, a writer and a director of a defunct Romany school, Professor Erica Heinze, an expert from Media Diversity Institute in London and Joanna Piotrowska, the head of Feminoteka Foundation, among other, will take part.


Project coordinator: Anna Kowalska – ania@villa.org.pl

See also