
Action Labolatory – empowerment workshop for adults

Action Labolatory – empowerment workshop for adults. Call for applications – deadline 15 November 2011. We invite adults (40+) and senior citizens to take part in the Action Laboratory, realized on 15 – 22/01/2012, within the frame of Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme. Main part of the programme are voice and body expression workshops complemented with integration, intercultural, empowerment and evaluation workshops. Action Laboratory is a method of self-development for adult participants to inspire them for further education and creation of active and satisfactory life as senior citizens. Workshop is appropriate for non-professionals, beginners, and amateurs. Deadline for submitting applications: 15 November 2011.


Laboratory is a method of self-development for adult participants to inspire them for further education and creation of active and satisfactory life as senior citizens. Main part of the programme are voice and body expression workshops complemented with integration, antidiscrimination, intercultural, empowerment and evaluation workshops. Integral part of the programme are integration, intercultural, antidiscrimination, empowerment and evaluation workshops as well as cultural exploration of Krakow. Voice and body workshops involve both individual and group techniques, working with voice expression (proper breathing, cohesion of sounds and actions, therapy and relaxation with and through music) and body expression (body language, integrity, balance, gestures, basis of drama techniques, expressing emotions). Action Workshop is appropriate for non-professionals, beginners, and amateurs. Deadline for submitting applications: 15 November 2011.


Application form

Call for application

Application form is available on www.villa.org.pl. It should be both emailed ( ania@villa.org.pl) and signed original confirmed by post to: Villa Decius Association, 28 Lipca 17a, 30-233 Kraków, POLAND.

Deadline for submitting applications: 15 November 2011.




Anna Kowalska, ania@villa.org.pl

Jadwiga Figiel-Stoch, jaga@villa.org.pl


See also
