
7th Visegrad Summer School – open events

Like every year we would like to invite you to open sessions and cultural events of The Visegrad Summer School. In this edition we recommend a panel debate Sustainable development – challenges for business (in English), lecture and debate 1968: Warsaw – Paris – Berkeley (in English), a concert of The Visegrad Cello Quartet and the Visegrad Film Festival in the ‘Mikro’ cinema.






Open events in Villa Decius:

  • Visegrad Cello Quartet – concert – 7th July, 2.00 p.m.


The ensemble of young cellists will perform works of contemporary Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak composers in unconventional arrangements. Artists: Andrej Gál (Slovakia) Tamás Mérei (Hungary) Jozef Lupták (Slovakia), Aleksandra Ohar (Poland). The program will include compositions of Krzysztof Penderecki, Peter Graham, Marián Varga and Lucia Papanetzová amongst others.


  • Sustainable development – challenges for business – 11th July, 4.00 p.m.


The discussion with participation of representatives of PZU Życie and Siemens and Janusz Kahl, CEO of the NordicHouse, will be led by dr Bolesław Rok, member of the management board of the Forum Odpowiedzialengo Biznesu (Forum for Responsible Business). It will focus on ecological matters and the climate change problem, promotion of health and healthy lifestyle. The discussion will be held in English.


  • 1968 – lecture and panel discussion – 17th July, 10.00 a.m.


The lecture 1968: Warsaw – Paris – Berkeley on the year ’68 in Europe and the U.S. will be delivered by prof. Nina Witoszek (Oslo University and Oxford University). It will be followed by discussion with participants and eyewitnesses of that year – Jan Kavan, Albrecht von Lucke, László Rajk and Barbara Toruńczyk. The debate will be led by Krzysztof Bobiński. Lecture and panel debate in English with Polish translation.


Visegrad Film Festival in ‘Mikro’ cinema


  • ‘Taxidermia’, Hungary, directed by Gyorgy Palfi – 8th July, 8.00 p.m.


Graphic, bizarre, absurdly funny, and yet graced with a strangely human heart ‘Taxidermia’ will challenge, infuriate, entertain, and send you away question the largest questions of life. It is a vicious satire of Hungary’s recent history that also finds universal themes and couches them in a language so strange, so visually arresting that it simply cannot be ignored. You may well be repulsed but you will likely also be enthralled. In English with Polish subtitles.


  • ‘Sztuczki/Ticks’, Poland, directed by Andrzej Jakimowski – 11th July, 8.00 p.m.


Stefek, 6, throws down the gauntlet for Providence to take it up. The boy belives that a chain of small events he makes happen will let him closer to his father, who has dumped his mother for another woman. Stefek’s sister Elka, 18, teaches him how to bribe fate with small offerings. At a decisive moment, however, the children have nothing to sacrifice.

In Polish with English subtitles.


  • ‘Vylet’ Czech Republic/ Slovakia, directed by Alice Nellis – 17th July, 8.00 p.m.


A family travels Czech Republic and Slovakia in order to bury the cremated remains of their grand-father. They are a group of individuals which meets strange people and has to face unusual situations on its way. A brilliant comedy about being a family.


With English subtitles.

See also