
The spring edition of the Visegrad Literary Residences 2016 is starting

On May 1st, the scholarship stays within the scope of the Visegrad Literary Residences 2016 programme started. Four scholarship holders came to Kraków to pursue their literary and artistic projects here. In the spring edition, Villa Decius hosts Maciej Kuziemski, Bernadett Morsányi, Rút Lichnerová, Petra Hůlová. 


Kuziemski Maciej (1987, Poland) – journalist, publisher, policy entrepreneur. He studied European Studies at the University of Warsaw, political science at the Vrije Universitiet Brussels and filmmaking at Łódź Film School. In his recent work he tries to capture the political momentum of Poland and the region. During his residency stay in the Villa Decius he will try to develop note pages, interviews and stories into a Central European political fiction series. 


Bernadett Morsányi (1981, Hungary) – prose writer, journalist, scriptwriter, event coordinator. Graduated from ELTE University in Hungarian Literature and History, where she also did her PhD in 2014. She is publicating essays and independent publications since 2006. During her stay in the Villa Decius she will be working on her second novel based on a true story about the life of a Hungarian woman, who was born in the countryside, and is later moving to  the capital, Budapest and Japan. 


Lichnerová Rút (1951, Slovakia) – prose writer, theorist of arts, radio author, scriptwriter, essayist, researcher, curator. She obtained her diploma in 1974 in the Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava. She born in Dolný Kubín. Her career starts in Banská Bystrica where she work as an art theoretician. Later she became director of Jozef Kollár Gallery in Banská Štiavnica. Her literature is translated in more than 10 languages. During her residency in the Villa Decius she is planning to create a body of literary texts as a part of a book published in edition called “Nets”. It shall be devoted on one hand to the perception of arts and the special features of creative work, and on the other hand to the situation of human beings.


Hůlová Petra (1979, Czech Republic) – novelist, freelancer author and lecturer. She graduated at the Charles University in Prague in Mongolian and Cultural studies. In 2008, she obtained her PhD in Cultural studies. She published eight novels translated into 12 languages. She published her last novel in 2014, and now she is working on a longer text with a working title NOLOBOD, which is an abbreviation of “no longer an object of desire”. The text is a story of a fictional sociological research narrated by one of its researchers and she will be working on it during her stay in the Villa Decius.



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