We encourage you to watch the fifth film in the “Condemned to Books” series. This episode features Sławomir Shuty ‒ writer, film director, photographer, and performer, founder of the “Baton” art magazine. Author of the books: „Nowy Wspaniały Smak” (Brave New Taste; 1999), „Bełkot” (Gibberish; 2001), „Cukier w normie” (Sugar Level Normal; 2002), „Zwał” (Flashbank; 2004), „Produkt Polski” (Polish Product; 2005), „Ruchy” (Motions; 2008), „Baton III Taltosz” (Baton Taltosz the Third; 2012), „Jaszczur” (The Lizard; 2012), and „Dziewięćdziesiąte” (The Nineties; 2013).
Sławomir Shuty ‒ author of the first Polish literary hypertext entitled “Blok” (Block; www.blok.art.pl). Originator and manager of the “Cyrk z Huty” (The Huta Circus) series of performances. Together with Cyrk Shuty, he directed the following films: “W drodze” (On the Road; 2003) and “Luna” (Luna; 2005), for which he received the first prize during the fourth edition of the TVP2 Independent Film Festival. Together with Tomek Bochniak, he directed an animated film entitled TRIP (2012). In 2005, he was awarded Polityka’s Passport in the Literature category. He comes from Nowa Huta and lives in Krakow. He was a holder of the scholarship of the Villa Decius Association as part of the Homines Urbani programme.
More information: www.facebook.com/TourDeLitterature
Cofinanced by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage
Venture partner is Malopolska Region