
Master workshops in Polish dances (25-28 September 2014)

Between 25 and 28 September 2014, master workshops in Polish dances addressed to professionals and members of dancing and ballet groups will take place at Villa Decius.Classes are held by Leszek Rembowski, teacher of characteristic folk dance and historical dance at the Comprehensive Secondary Ballet School in Poznań.The workshops programme includes Polish dances, with special emphasis placed on the areas near Kraków and the borderland between villages and estates of the gentry, whose descriptions were included in Oskar Kolberg’s work.



Leszek Rembowski ‒ teacher of characteristic folk dance and historical dance at the Comprehensive Secondary Ballet School in Poznań.Creator of choreography for the Polish music of the period from the 16th to the early 20th centuries for the Cracovia Danza Court Ballet in Kraków.Teacher of historical dance and stage movement at the Academy of Music in Poznań.Artistic director and choreographer for the “Wielkopolanie” Folk Group from Poznań.Author of choreography for numerous performances and theatre plays.He has held classes on the technique and style of Polish national dances and court dances during seminars and training courses of the performance of these dances.


The workshops are one of the components of the Villa Decius Association project, “Oskar Kolberg’s Heritage”, partially funded from the resources of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage as part of the “Kolberg 2014 ‒ Promesa” programme carried out by the Institute of Music and Dance.

See also