
A studio trip to Sucha Beskidzka

The Villa Decius Association, the Municipal Museum of Sucha Beskidzka, and the “Zamek” Municipal Cultural Centre would like to invite everyone to a tour of the Castle in Sucha Beskidzka.Departure from Kraków will take place on Saturday, 25 October 2014 at 1:00 p.m. Prior registration require by 24 October, 3:00 p.m. at kasia@villa.org.pl.


Visitors will have the chance to learn about the history and see the interiors of the castle accompanied by a tour guide and to take part in a walk around the centre of Sucha Beskidzka, where a complex of church buildings with a Renaissance part of an old monastery of Canons Regular is located.That night, Jan Kochanowski’s Satyr or the Wild Man will be staged within the old castle walls, especially adapted to the historic interiors of the Sucha Beskidzka Castle.







Projekt został zrealizowany przy wsparciu finansowym

Programu Kultura Komisji Europejskiej





 Projekt zrealizowano przy wsparciu finansowym Województwa Małopolskiego

w ramach konkursu ofert z turystyki pn. Małopolska Gościnna




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See also
