
Hip Hop! Stop Haters!

“Hip Hop! Stop Haters” is an initiative of the Villa Decius Association, promoting tolerance and equal opportunities in local environments, whose purpose is counteracting discrimination and hatred via self-irony, comic aspects, music and film.


Within the scope of the project, a series of 5-day comedy and music workshops will be organized for pupils in small towns of Poland; a documentary film will be made and an Internet portal operated by young people will be designed. The assumption of the project is the use of the creative potential of middle school pupils and encouraging young people to active participation in public life.


The project will be attended by partners: professional artists (actors, musicians and film makers) who will act as experts responsible for the quality and professionalism of undertaken activities and will help in project promotion.



  • Workshops with pupils from School No. 27 in Podedworze (June 3-5, 2014).


  • Workshops with pupils from Middle School of Professor Józef Tischner in Ratułów (May 27 – 29, 2014)









The project is implemented as part of the programme Citizens for Democracy, financed from the EOG Mechanism.



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See also