
A series of lectures about Czeslaw Milosz – April – October 2011

We would like to invite you to the series of twelve lectures taking place in the Krakow’s apartment of Czeslaw Milosz, which will be conducted by Agnieszka Kosinska. During these meetings, conducted by Agnieszka Kosinska, secretary of the Nobel Prize Laureate in 1996-2004, the editor of his works, Miloszophile, bibliographer, curator of the apartment and the archive, will share her extensive knowledge about a person of Czeslaw Milosz, and will encourage the discussion on the evaluation of his views and literary sympathies .



Lectures are only available for groups, after prior consultation with Ms. Agnieszka Kosinska, phone no.: 502 714 64. It is also possible to organise a lecture in English. Lectures are held from 15 April to 15 October 2011.



Katarzyna Renes,


See also