
Open lectures – The Academy of Anti-discrimination Training

We would like to invite persons interested in the topics of diversity, multiculturalism, gender and counteracting discrimination to participate in open lectures and meetings of the Academy. Gender, nation, sexuality. 17th December 2009, Thursday; 11 a.m. Agnieszka Graff – a writer, the author of ‘The world without Women. Gender in Polish public life’ (Original title: ‘Swiat bez Kobiet. Plec w polskim zyciu publicznym’) and ‘Ricocheted. A piece on the gender of sexuality and nation’ (Original title: ‘Rykoszetem. Rzecz o plci seksualnosci i narodzie’). Agnieszka is a translator and a publicist, related to feminist movement. She publishes in ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’, ‘Literatura na Swiecie’ and ‘Zadra’ among others. Agnieszka gives lectures at the courses on gender and American studies at the University of Warsaw. 


Anti-discrimination law. 18th December 2009, Friday 9 a.m. Karolina Kedziora – a legal advisor, the president of the Polish Society of Anti-Discrimination Law (PSAL), the author of a publication ‘Discrimination and mobbing in employment’ (Original title: ‘Dyskryminacja i mobbing w zatrudnieniu’). Gender and anti-discrimination law trainer (she received the certificate of The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and British organization Interights).

See also