The ”Residential Programme George Sand – Frederic Chopin” consists of ten-week stay in Palace Genshagen near Berlin and is intended for artists representing various fields of art: literature, music, plastic arts, theatre, media arts.
The ”Residential Programme George Sand – Frederic Chopin” consists of ten-week stay in Palace Genshagen near Berlin and is intended for artists representing various fields of art: literature, music, plastic arts, theatre, media arts.
Wolfgang Bittner, ur. w 1941 roku w Gliwicach, obecnie mieszka w Kolonii. Laureat wielu nagród literackich. Opublikował ponad 40 książek dla dorosłych, dzieci i młodzieży. Ostatnio w polskim przekładzie ukazała się jego powieść Niemandsland (Ziemia niczyja, Wrocław 2002). Radek Knapp, ur. w 1964 roku w Warszawie, od 1976 mieszka w Wiedniu. 1994 nagroda literacka “aspekte” za opowiadania “Franio”. Powieść Herrn Kukas Empfehlungen, Monachium/Zurych 1999, ukazała się jesienią 2003 pt.Lekcje pana Kuki w polskim przekładzie.
We offer the possibility of volunteer work in NGOs abroad, in all EU countries, as well as in Africa, Asia and America. As part of the “Youth in Action” programme, we offer people aged 18 to 30 the possibility of volunteer work in NGOs abroad, in all EU countries, as well as in Africa, Asia and America.
The fourth edition of the Polish-British Round Table: 12-13 May 2011. This annual meeting of a number of politicians, diplomats, civil servants, intellectuals and media representatives from both Britain and Poland. This year’s meeting would start with a public lecture by David Miliband, UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs between 2007 and 2010 on “Europe between America and China”. The speech would be devoted to the new global order where (re)emerging power and such institutions and G20 player an ever greater role. The event would take place at 18:00 on 12 May in the premises of Collegium Novum of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.
Rodzinom i Bliskim tragicznie zmarłych w katastrofie lotniczej w Smoleńsku wyrazy głębokiego współczucia składają Zarząd, Członkowie, Dyrekcja i Pracownicy Stowarzyszenia Willa Decjusza.
20 April, 2011, 5 pm. Lecture in English. It is the first of a series of lectures devoted to European issues at the threshold of assuming EU Presidency by Poland, in which Dominique Moisi and Leszek Jesień will participate. Dominique Moisi is a Senior Adviser at the IFRI (French Institute of International Relations) and a professor at the College of Europe in Natolin, author of „La géopolitique de l’émotion,” published by Flammarion, 2009).
We would like to invite you to the series of twelve lectures taking place in the Krakow’s apartment of Czeslaw Milosz, which will be conducted by Agnieszka Kosinska. During these meetings, conducted by Agnieszka Kosinska, secretary of the Nobel Prize Laureate in 1996-2004, the editor of his works, Miloszophile, bibliographer, curator of the apartment and the archive, will share her extensive knowledge about a person of Czeslaw Milosz, and will encourage the discussion on the evaluation of his views and literary sympathies.
Koncert pieśni najwybitniejszych europejskich kompozytorów, m.in.: Mozarta, Staussa, Paderewskiego, Schumana, Karłowicza, Szymanowskiego oraz transkrypcje utworów Jana Sebastiana Bacha i Fryderyka Chopina na skrzypce w wykonaniu Moniki Makowskiej – 17 kwietnia 2011, niedziela, godz. 17.00. Obowiązują wejściówki.