The Visegrad Summer School is a two-week educational programme which provides an interdisciplinary learning space for young Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak students, and for their peers from other Central and Eastern European countries.
The Visegrad Summer School is a two-week educational programme which provides an interdisciplinary learning space for young Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak students, and for their peers from other Central and Eastern European countries.
On Friday, at the end of the historical dance workshops in Villa Decius (which have been lasting from August 2) certificates have been given to all participants at the outdoor stage. The “Decius Danza” group performed roughly a two-hour show. In this edition 130 people have taken part in the workshops within the following groups: the beginners’, the intermediate and children up to 12.
The Court Dances Workshops in Villa Decius were accompanied by dance presentations of the ensembles participating in the classes. At the stage performed: the „Alta Danza” ensemble (Warsaw) and students from Ballet School in Saloniki (Greece). They presented among others polonaise, minuet and Italian dance – tarantella.
The exhibition „Indian motives in European ballets” prepared by Monika Polak-Luścińska, was opened on August 3 in Villa Decius. The collection contained the elements of jewellery, masks and costumes of Indian dancers. The exhibition opening was preceded by the lectures on Indian music and dance. Kinga Malec from the ensemble of Maria Pomianowska disclosed names of particular tones in Indian music as well as the way of creating the compositions to a large audience gathered in the venue.
Like every year we would like to invite you to open sessions and cultural events of The Visegrad Summer School. In this edition we recommend a panel debate Sustainable development – challenges for business (in English), lecture and debate 1968: Warsaw – Paris – Berkeley (in English), a concert of The Visegrad Cello Quartet and the Visegrad Film Festival in the ‘Mikro’ cinema.
Concert of the Visegrad Cello Quartet is one of the highlights of the VII Visegrad Summer School’s inauguration. Young musicians will perform compositions of Krzysztof Penderecki, Peter Graham, Marián Varga and others in unconventional arrangements. The band comprise of four artists from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia what makes it a great example of artistic collaboration between Visegrad Countries.
17 czerwca 2008 roku odbyła się uroczystość, podczas której Wojewoda Małopolski Pan Jerzy Miller dokonał wręczenia Odznaki “Zasłużony dla Kultury Polskiej” Pani Danucie Glondys za wkład na rzecz propagowania i rozwijania kultury polskiej w kraju i za granicą. Wśród gości byli przedstawiciele władz regionu, parlamentarzyści, konsulowie oraz prezesi i dyrektorzy zaprzyjaźnionych firm i instytucji.
Stowarzyszenie Willa Decjusza oraz Konsulat Honorowy Królestwa Danii w Krakowie mają zaszczyt zaprosić Państwa na kolejny koncert z cyklu Muzyka na Dworach Europy, który poświęcony będzie muzyce na dworze Christiana IV, króla Danii.